Contact Us
To contact us, please use the form below.
Tell us what you think of this website. We love receiving feedback – good or bad.
Do you have an idea for an article, perhaps? Please tell us.
Joint ventures
We’re swamped with offers for joint ventures but we’re always interested in receiving more good win-win deals. Please provide plenty of relevant information. Please don’t expect us to promote products we haven’t examined.
A bit of background information about you and your experience may help attract our interest. We’re keen on genuine special discounts for our newsletter readers, and we love being the first to promote a good product.
We don’t like being asked to drop what we’re working on and promote a product at short notice. We think people who ask us to do that are really inconsiderate. We like to have time to do research and think things over before we promote something.
Questions we’re often asked
Some questions keep popping up over and over again, such as…
How do I add my affiliate program to your directory?
Submit it using the form here: Suggest program.
Will you please critique my website?
Sorry. No. It’s just impossible. There aren’t enough hours in the day. Please go to our friendly, helpful affiliate forum and ask for a site review in the Site Review section. If you follow the forum instructions and also ask nicely, you may receive several helpful replies.
How do I…?
You can probably find the answer to your question by searching our our affiliate forum. See the search box at the top of this page? It allows you to search different sections of this site. If you can’t find the answer, the best place to ask your question is on our affiliate forum.
Will you be my mentor? I’ll pay
Sorry. No. I know it sounds harsh, but I just about killed myself in the past acting as a helpdesk. Now I answer questions on our affiliate forum instead. We have lots of experienced forum members who help newcomers with tips. You can also read my free Affiliate Program Tutorial which sums up 15 years of affiliate marketing experience.
May I phone you?
I’d rather you didn’t. I like peace and quiet. I also prefer to see things written down.
Will you publish my article?
Probably not. To help convince me to publish your unique article, show me a website you own.
No thanks. That’s not our field.