Affiliate Manuals 11
Affiliate Outline review
Tim Schroeder's new affiliate marketing manual, Affiliate Outline, is unusual because he has written it for both beginners and experienced affiliates. Here's why I think he succeeds...
Make Your Words Sell review
Make Your Words Sell! is the definitive guide to Internet copywriting by Joe Robson with Ken Evoy. Learn the gentle art of e-persuasion. [UPDATE: This book is now free.]
Super Affiliate Handbook review
What does it take to be a super affiliate? One of the best people to ask is Rosalind Gardner, one of the best known super affiliates around and author of "The Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 In One Year Selling Other People's Stuff".
Affiliate Marketing Handbook 2006 review
James Martell has done it again. The newly revised 2006 edition of his Affiliate Marketing Handbook takes what can be a complex, intriguing and often frustrating business and makes it seem like child's play with his simple, solid advice and 8 Step Process.
Make Your Content PREsell is crucial to your online success
You may think you have the most super-duper?
Affiliate Insider: Learn and Earn
Affiliate manager Gordon Penza has written a new manual for affiliates. It has some good points and some bad points. This is not for everyone so I'll tell you about it and you can make up your own mind.
[UPDATE: No longer available.]
Auto Income Secrets
Where have all the gurus gone? Why are they so quiet? You may have heard that many of the gurus are quietly churning out dozens or even hundreds of small websites. Neil Shearing has let the cat out of the bag in his new book Auto Income Secrets.
[UPDATE: Unavailable while being updated.]
How to create ebooks
You can create ebooks using free software and software you probably already have on your computer.
James Martell review 2005
James Martell, one of the big guns in affiliate marketing, has revised and updated his successful Affiliate Marketer's Handbook.
Success Alert – Conversations with Successful Internet Entrepreneurs
It's not easy to be surprised these days by the claims made by so many Internet authors peddling ebooks about how to be an Internet millionaire. Often we're left with feeling short-changed, waiting for really valuable information we can use. Not so with John Evans' new book "Success Alert - Conversations with Successful Internet Entrepreneurs"...