2008 Newsletters 49
Meet your new competitors – they’re kids
Associate Programs Newsletter #400
Young kids are doing some remarkable things these days. They may soon be your competitors, so it makes sense to keep an eye on them.
You’re not too late for the Christmas sales rush
Associate Programs Newsletter #399
Are you going to cash in on the Christmas rush this year? If you're quick, you still can.
1. You're not too late for the Christmas rush
2. Sites where shoppers feel comfortable
3. Thought for today: Worries
NEW: Who else wants to be an info marketing millionaire?
Associate Programs Newsletter #398
Just a quick note before time runs out. After Jay wrote about AffiloBlueprint last week, their server was overloaded for half the day. So you might have missed getting it - or even seeing it. It IS worth getting.
How to end your affiliate marketing confusion
Associate Programs Newsletter #398
Just a quick note before time runs out. After Jay wrote about AffiloBlueprint last week, their server was overloaded for half the day. So you might have missed getting it - or even seeing it. It IS worth getting.
Jay finally gets his wish
Associate Programs Newsletter #397
For a week or so, Jay has been buzzing with excitement over something new. I'll let him tell you about it in his own words...
What people want
Associate Programs Newsletter #396
Are you selling things that people really want? There's a site that shows you exactly what people want.
1. What people want
A site for powerful business idea brainstorming
2. Have you made YOUR Big Life List?
3. Passion, profits and purpose - how to get them
4. Thought for today: Growing
Are you living life to the fullest?
Associate Programs Newsletter #395
Every now and again a book comes along that excites and inspires me. This is one of those times...
1. Are you living life to the fullest?
2. Important links on AssociatePrograms.com
3. Thought for today: Extraordinary things
Life-changing new book FREE
Associate Programs Newsletter #394
They call it "moving the free line". It's all about giving away extremely useful information or products. Now Yanik Silver is doing it, with freebies too good to ignore.
1. Life-changing new book free
2. Do you take vacations?
3. Important links on AssociatePrograms.com
4. Thought for today: An extraordinary life
Voting for freedom, fun and profit
Associate Programs Newsletter #393
Just a very quick heads up...
Self-made millionaire Yanik Silver has released a new free video, How to be a Maverick Entrepreneur. It's all about his philosophy of...