Building A Website 5
Create compelling content that leads to SALES
One of the biggest problems with many affiliate sites is that they're too ORDINARY. There's nothing remarkable about them. There's no compelling content.
Keeping your content fresh the easy way
A simple random image javascript can be used to keep your web content fresh and engaging, giving your visitors more reasons to return.
Where to find good PLR articles
PLR articles, or private label rights articles, are a good way to add useful, interesting, search engine friendly content to your website.
10 ways to use PLR articles
After my last newsletter in which I wrote about article membership sites, I received a number of questions how to use private label rights (PLR) articles.
Here are 10 ways to use private label rights (PLR) articles.
Web Content Made Easy
Gary Antosh always seems to be brimming with ideas. He churns out articles fast, by buying them and writing them. Do you like his simple, helpful writing style? Then you'll love his new book, "Web Content Made Easy".
Create Website Content Fast
In a recent newsletter, Gary Antosh, the author of "How to Create Website Content Fast" wrote an interesting article about how he outsources his web page content. For Gary it's a case of working smarter, not working harder.
I promised Rupert a bonus when his second affiliate web site reached the $1,000 a month mark in affiliate commissions. He did it! Read how here... [UPDATED 2012]
This affiliate marketing case study describes how a novice working part-time used Site Build It! to create an affiliate website that achieved $49,000 in sales in just over a year. His second site does considerably better. [UPDATED 2012]