Super Affiliates 5
This article explains how the need to link a new domain name to an existing web-based email service led to the development of a system to develop smarter affiliate links. This system, which anyone with a domain name can easily implement, has led the author to dramatically increase affiliate conversion rates while building a brand and retaining visitors within the author's domains.
To succeed with AdWords think differently
Being an affiliate in 2007 is not all it's cracked up to be. Take it from someone who knows - the products you promote, the ad groups you create, the pre-sell you choose ... it all has an impact on the level of success you attain as an affiliate.
The "old school" techniques that worked two years ago will not set you up for life ... not any more, with the level of competition being what it is.
And now for the solution...
Super Affiliate Handbook review
What does it take to be a super affiliate? One of the best people to ask is Rosalind Gardner, one of the best known super affiliates around and author of "The Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 In One Year Selling Other People's Stuff".
Super Affiliate Secrets Revealed
If you're like me, you want an affiliate business that matches your own skills and interests, not someone else's. So you need to know what other super affiliates are doing. You need to see a variety of different ways of earning a living with affiliate programs. Here's the answer...
Success Alert – Conversations with Successful Internet Entrepreneurs
It's not easy to be surprised these days by the claims made by so many Internet authors peddling ebooks about how to be an Internet millionaire. Often we're left with feeling short-changed, waiting for really valuable information we can use. Not so with John Evans' new book "Success Alert - Conversations with Successful Internet Entrepreneurs"...