Building A Website 5
Start Your Own Healthy Affiliate Business
You've heard about his successful affiliate business, you've read the ebook to learn more about how he did it, now you have the chance to get John Gibb as your own personal affiliate marketing coach.
Not only will John guarantee your first affiliate sale but he will have your site built for you in a researched health niche. He will also have your SEO content written for you and he will work with you to get your traffic flowing.
You read it correctly, he will guarantee your first affiliate sale which no doubt will be the first of many if his own results are anything to go by. Remember John's record breaking 143 affiliate sales in 24 hours?
Find out how John will help you to succeed in an industry that he has had great success in.
Get your piece of the health market too.
How to achieve 10,000 visitors a day with Site Build It
An affiliate who uses the quirky persona "Rays Lite" has come from nowhere to dominate his niche. He did it in only one year. It's a hot niche, too - celebrity sunglasses. The site receives about 10,000 unique visitors a day and sells enough sunglasses to fund Ray's outrageous lifestyle.
Success leaves clues. Study what this successful affiliate is doing...
I promised Rupert a bonus when his second affiliate web site reached the $1,000 a month mark in affiliate commissions. He did it! Read how here... [UPDATED 2012]
This affiliate marketing case study describes how a novice working part-time used Site Build It! to create an affiliate website that achieved $49,000 in sales in just over a year. His second site does considerably better. [UPDATED 2012]