Associate Programs Newsletter #233
1. How Dennis earns a living reviewing software
2. My latest health update
3. ROI of 69
4. Merchants, get publicity on the friendly forum
5. Thought for today: Get paid over and over
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1. How Dennis earns a living reviewing software
Dennis Faas makes his living doing a job many would envy – reviewing software. He’s also his own boss.
His earns affiliate commissions from his web site – – and his newsletter, Infopackets Gazette, which has about 150,000 readers.
Dennis is a no-hype sort of guy. If you read his newsletter, you’ll know that he concentrates on providing insightful, helpful information rather than selling.
I asked him if he would feel uncomfortable about promoting products more heavily.
“Trust is a major issue for me and I believe that it cannot be achieved by hype or hard-selling a product,” he says.
“The reviews that I write on products are meant to help people and not to make a quick buck. The web site and newsletter are my livelihood and I know if I keep up the pace, in the long run, it will all pay off.”
He says he earns more than $5,000 a month from his site and newsletter.
As well as earning affiliate commissions by reviewing software that “people can use to make their life easy”, he has written a few educational self-help ebooks and videos and sells them through his newsletter.
One place Dennis finds software to review is RegNow - .
It’s an affiliate network offering thousands of software products, everything from screensavers, Solitaire games and flight simulations, to security products and every kind of utility.
Each product has a trial program that allows people to download and evaluate the program before making a purchase.
“RegNow has worked well for me and everything is completely automated,” Dennis says.
“For every sale made, RegNow sends me a notification via email. I can also login to the RegNow web site and track the sales and tally totals. At the end of the month, RegNow sends me the total payment due and has consistently delivered the checks in a timely manner.”
He says the greatest success he’s had using RegNow has been with products from LIUtilities – .
“The affiliate program offered by LIUtilities – through their web site – has worked very well for me. The first two weeks after I wrote a review of SpeedUpMyPC, I made 144 sales valued between $9.98 and $15.98. Back then, I had only about 75,000 subscribers.
“RegNow does have a large selection of products, but I have found it very time consuming to weed through those which are legitimate plus have a web site that is equally appealing which can further explain a product.
“It is important to me to be able to write a review of a product, have a user ‘click to find out more’ on the product’s home page, and then decide whether or not to buy. I suppose that’s why the affiliate program at LIUtilities has done so well for me.”
A recent review of Webroot’s Window Washer also did very well for Dennis – about $4,000 in sales in two weeks with a 50% commission rate.
Another product Dennis reviewed recently was WinBackup, another LIUtilities product.
“The original WinBackup review was written in December of 2002. Back then I think I had about 35,000 subscribers and in one month I made 71 sales at $11.98 each. Since then, I’ve continued to advertise WinBackup on a regular basis – at least once every week or two weeks. I submitted a second rewrite of the WinBackup on August 14 of this year and did another 32 sales within two weeks.”
While many newsletter publishers choose to pay for a web-based newsletter delivery system, Dennis has a more hands-on, money-saving approach.
“When I upgraded to a dedicated Unix web server, I found that I needed to automate many tasks, which is why I taught myself how to program in Perl.”
He wrote a server script that delivers his newsletter from his web server at a rate of 10,000 an hour.
“The newsletter delivery program allows me to completely customize how the newsletter is sent out and it doesn’t cost anything extra on top of the cost of renting my web server.”
Infopackets Gazette is a useful, easy-to-read newsletter. If you’re thinking of subscribing, check out the archives here:
Dennis also has a page which contains helpful reports on a variety of important topics – .
2. My latest health update
This newsletter is about successful affiliate marketing, not rare blood disorders, so I’ll keep this brief. I’ve posted my latest health update in the “Get Well Allan” topic that Eva Rosenberg started:
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3. ROI of 69
It must be just about time to stop calling my assistant Rupert a novice.
Because of his steady progress, I have to keep updating the figures his Site Build It sites earn.
While his first affiliate experiment still earns a few hundred dollars a month, his second site is doing much better.
It earned $2,800 in August and more than $3,400 in September – a combination of affiliate commissions and advertising revenue.
Every now and then, someone asks me: “What’s the trick?” or “How does Rupert REALLY get those results?”
There’s no trick. No smoke and mirrors.
He did it by following the Site Build It Action Guide, and he describes how here…
Web affiliate programs experiment 2
If you read that article and look at his site, you can see step by step how he achieved those No.1 and No.2 rankings in Google – and still is today, thanks to Site Build It.
You can see his most important keywords, his most popular web pages, the growth in traffic, etc.
Nothing is hidden.
If you want to set up a little experimental business like his, the annual cost is only $299 for Site Build It – a gift.
If you include the cost of Yahoo, that’s a monthly expense of only $49.83 to earn $3,444.
That’s a very handsome ROI (return on investment) of 69.
If something works, we keep doing it.
Rupert now is doing it all over again with his third and fourth SBI sites.
And Ros, my newest assistant, is planning her first SBI site.
She’s already identified some very promising keywords.
I’m confident that using those profitable keywords, Ros will beat Rupert’s $3,444 September earnings.
Why am I so confident? Because I’ve seen the SBI method work – over and over again.
In the five years that I’ve been earning a full-time living from affiliate programs a rash of money-earning schemes have come and gone.
All sorts of fads and gimmicks arrive to tempt us. Throughout it all, one fact remains rock solid…
Building a keyword-rich, information-rich the Site Build It way – creating a site the search engines love – gives you the best chance of success.
Right now I’m in hospital and can’t give Ros detailed instructions. So I’m very grateful for the 600-page SBI Action Guide that comes with SBI.
All she has to do is read it carefully AND do what it says.
SBI is a whole suite of tools that would cost you thousands of dollars if you bought them separately. But more importantly it teaches affiliates how to build successful sites.
It’s the surest path to success online.
At less than $1 a day – including web hosting – it’s drastically under-priced, so the inevitable is about to happen. The price is going up soon.
If you’re thinking of getting a SBI site, do it now. Lock in the price, and then use it when you’re ready.
Get Site Build It here now:
And if you achieve an ROI of more than 69, I’d love to hear your affiliate success story.
Does your web site really turn enough of those visitors into
paying customers? Corey Rudl recently surveyed his subscribers
and found 13% of them really wanted to know how to create
powerful web copy. If you’re in that situation – check out Bob
Serling’s new book called Power Copywriting for the Internet.
Get it today – 30% off – and return it in 90 days if it hasn’t
increased your sales. Try it and see what a difference it can
make – risk free.
4. Merchants, get publicity on the friendly forum
Hey affiliate merchants, the Associate Programs Forum is open to merchants as well as affiliates.
Here are four ways you benefit by participating:
* Post a thoughtful, helpful message and curious affiliates will visit your site.
* Promote your affiliate program in your signature.
* Provide a link in the Profile you create when you register.
* There’s even a section where you are allowed to blatantly promote your program, and it won’t cost you a cent.
The forum is a friendly, helpful place, with a wonderful atmosphere. Have you joined yet? More than 500 affiliates have.
Check it out here:
5. Thought for today: Get paid over and over
“Try to get paid over and over again for activities done once. Make that your mantra.” – Yanik Silver.
All the best
Allan Gardyne