Affiliate blogs – web logs about affiliate marketing – have been popping up all over the Internet lately.
Here are some I’m keeping an eye on:
ReveNews, which started life as a forum and affiliate directory, has evolved into a blog with contributions from a wide range of people in the affiliate industry. Careful. You could get stuck here for hours reading news, opinion and gossip.
Ken Evoy is a multi-talented individual who created 23 products which sold internationally for hundreds of millions of dollars before he founded his hugely successful online business. Ken’s blog, while aimed mainly at giving advice to his own affiliates, shows some highly original thinking on online marketing – stuff you won’t find anywhere else. Look for the articles on “Mooch Marketing” and “Play Within Yourself…” Essential reading.
Shawn Collins’ Affiliate Marketing Blog discusses issues from the perspective of both an affiliate merchant and an affiliate.
Linda Buquet’s 5 Star Affiliate Blogs keep a close eye on the affiliate marketing industry and related topics. Linda has developed a reputation for fighting parasites.
Patrick Hartary’s AffiliateBlog give tips and opinions about affiliate programs and marketing.
Ewen Chia’s Power Affiliate Diaries gives advice and promotes products he recommends. Ewen sprang to prominence in affiliate marketing by writing special reports in which he recommended affiliate products.
Blog directory
The Work at Home Blog Directory is an index of blogs related to internet marketing, making money online, working from home, and related topics. Because of the stupendous rate at which blog numbers are growing – including spammy ones – maintaining a blog directory is a challenging task.