Associate Programs Newsletter #251
Today we’re looking at four affiliates who are prepared to do something extra, something more than most affiliates.
As you would expect, they achieve above average results.
1. Affiliates who go the extra mile
2. Neil’s extra mile
3. Keith’s “Baxter Grabber”
4. Anik Singal’s Affiliate Upsell
5. The Nitro guys’ Affiliate Upsell
6. How to get others to spread the word
7. A new, easy way to get reciprocal links
8. Thought for today: The extra mile
1. Affiliates who go the extra mile
I once had a boss who believed that his employees should “go the extra mile” – do more than they were asked.
What he really meant was that he expected us to work unpaid overtime – lots of it, and with no thanks.
Fast-forward a few years…
Thank goodness for the Internet.
One of the good things about being your own boss is that if you put in extra effort, if you do more than others expect, you’re likely to be richly rewarded.
Here are four examples of affiliates who go the extra mile.
2. Neil’s extra mile
Blogs and RSS feeds are hot right now, resulting in a flurry of ebooks on the topic.
Here’s what Neil Shearing did to stand out from the rest of the crowd.
He could have just blasted out a memo to his subscribers. That’s what many affiliates do.
Instead, Neil did long hours of careful research. Then he wrote a special report…
“RSS Question And Answer – The Easy Way To Find Out If RSS And Blogs Can Help Your Online Business”
…and told his readers and customers about it.
Neil’s report provides a USEFUL, plain language introduction to the topic, and links to handy resources. It’s not a blatant ad.
You can see how he weaves a few affiliate links into the report, for example for Dr Mani’s “How to Profit From RSS Feeds”.
Neil does it fairly subtly, in a way unlikely to offend anyone.
Here’s Neil’s special report:
If you want to discover more about blogs and RSS, you’ll find Dr Mani’s “How to Profit From RSS Feeds” fascinating. He’s come up with an astounding 43 different strategies.
Here’s an example of the sort of fast publicity you can generate from a brand new RSS feed.
When Dr Mani listed one RSS feed on RSS directories, he received 2 visitors on day 1, 26 on day 2, 58 on day 3 and 89 on day 4.
His book isn’t a technical one. For that, you’ll probably want Adrian Ling’s “RSS Made Easy”.
Adrian, creator of the ClickBank tool EasyClickMate and other useful software, aims his book at newcomers to RSS. He covers the subject in simple language, making the topic easy to understand.
Like Dr Mani, Adrian is highly respected in the industry and offers wonderful support for every product he creates. You’ll never go wrong getting one of his products.
You can check out these two books here:
Dr Mani’s How to Profit From RSS Feeds
Adrian Ling’s RSS Made Easy
3. Keith’s “Baxter Grabber”
Keith Baxter has written a special report, too, but he’s doing things quite differently from Neil.
At you’re enticed by what Keith obviously hopes will be an irresistible offer…
“Who Else Wants to Learn the Never- Before-Possible Advanced Strategy for Driving 723 Prospects Into Your Sales Process in Less Than 5 Days?”
As you read on, you find out that if you want to discover what the “Baxter Grabber Strategy” is, you have to hand over your email address.
By then, you’re hooked, anyway.
Keith has written TWO reports, both offering useful information. If you want the second one you have to pay a nominal fee.
Obviously recognizing that only a proportion of his visitors will be prepared to pay, he includes a few affiliate links in the first report.
So he has several opportunities of generating revenue.
Like Neil, he provides a sufficient quantity of truly useful information, so that his readers aren’t likely to be offended by his techniques.
This is pretty neat.
Keith achieves four things:
* He acquires email addresses.
* He makes affiliate sales.
* He sells his own product.
* He enhances his reputation as an expert.
You can see Keith’s report here:
4. Anik Singal’s Affiliate Upsell
Here’s another affiliate who goes the extra mile.
Anik Singal wanted to promote an affiliate product that seemed a bit too technical for many of his visitors.
To Anik, this wasn’t a problem, it was an opportunity.
He promoted the affiliate product, adding special coaching with a video and workbook showing people how to use it.
The result?
His “Affiliate Upsell” technique generated $10,000 over and above his regular affiliate checks in only 60 days.
Anik was promoting a product I reckon is better left untouched – Traffic Equalizer (TE), an automated system for creating thousands of web pages.
“I like TE, but I only use it for short-term income and I am now getting out of that business,” Anik says. “…students building long-term sites should never use TE on that site.”
While I don’t think much of the product Anik was promoting, I admire the strategy he used. You could learn a lot from him.
Anik and his team have spent seven months creating the new Affiliate Classroom membership site, which teaches affiliates how to succeed, step by step.
The “Affiliate Upsell” is just a tiny fraction of the techniques described in detail in the Affiliate Classroom.
Step-by-step coaching, expert interviews, case studies, an exclusive forum, niche affiliate program profiles, conference calls, tempting bonuses … you get the lot.
It would have made my life so much easier if this site had existed when I first started in affiliate marketing.
[UPDATE: Affiliate Classroom is closed to new students.]
5. The Nitro guys’ Affiliate Upsell
Here’s another Affiliate Upsell.
You probably know about the Nitro Marketing guys. They use hard-hitting, hard-to-ignore marketing tactics.
They call it “edgy”.
You might have seen recent promotions for their latest webcast.
What you might not have realized is that their big Incubator mentoring promotion isn’t just for a new Nitro service.
It’s also a very clever Affiliate Upsell for another affiliate merchant’s popular, highly successful product.
This is truly brilliant stuff.
For stage one, the webcast, the Nitro guys offered an enticing sales letter, with a scarcity factor to make you hurry up and make a decision.
For maximum effectiveness, the webcast didn’t cost anything. However, visitors were required to register, so email addresses were captured.
The new product, the one-to-one Incubator mentoring which the Nitro guys have just announced, has a HUGE appeal.
For years, I’ve been approached by people seeking one-to-one mentoring.
These people have read the books and instruction manuals, but for various reasons they’re not succeeding. They want a skilled trainer to coach them and help them, telling them exactly what to do.
They want advice from someone they can trust, someone who has been through the process of researching and building a successful niche website.
That’s exactly what the Nitro guys are offering.
They have a track record they can boast about. For the past nine months they’ve been providing – and perfecting – their “5-Phase Nitro Formula” that creates niche websites for you.
Skilled trainers are available via phone and email.
“Clients are routinely amazed by our trainers at how helpful, accessible and how genuinely focused they are on helping students succeed – they really do go above and beyond anybody’s normal expectations,” the Nitro guys Keith and Matt say.
Just when you think this offer can’t get any more tempting, the Nitro guys add a powerful hook.
They tell you they’ll profit only when you profit.
Other normal coaching programs charge HUGE upfront fees – as much as $25,000 – and then give the client lackluster “coaching”.
“We instead charge a small upfront fee to offset some of the costs and then the only way we and our trainers profit is via a revenue share.
“That means the more successful the site they create becomes, the more they (and us and our trainers) make.”
This proven formula has already resulted in 87 successful niche websites.
Now the Incubator hands-on training program is being opened up, but only 150 new spots are available.
See if there are any spots left…
(Are you still wondering where the Affiliate Upsell is? See if you can spot the clues and figure it out for yourself. It’s a good one.)
[UPDATE: This offer has closed.]========================================
6. How to get others to spread the word
Here’s a quick tip…
If you want to go the extra mile and write a special report, how can you get other affiliates to spread the word for you?
Make your report brandable. Here’s how…
Brandable ebooks
7. A new, easy way to get reciprocal links
Phil Tanny has created a new, time-saving way to get reciprocal links.
It won’t cost you anything.
I’m sure you already understand the value of getting links to your site to help you rank well in search engines and attract more visits.
“The old-fashioned hard way to find link partners is to search the web for hours, dig around through site after site after site hunting for contact information, send out hundreds of personalized emails, and try to be happy when only a handful of webmasters reply,” Phil says.
Now, all you have to do is sign up with Phil’s and he will send you the details of sites in your niche which want to exchange links.
“Each recipient has proven their interest in reciprocal link partnerships by completing this site’s confirmed opt-in subscription process,” Phil says.
There’s no fee.
Phil has been an online friend for years. He has very high standards. You can trust him to do a good job.
When you sign up, you won’t receive a lot of junk. You’ll just get details of sites in your niche which have already proved that they’re interested in exchanging links with related sites.
There’s been speculation on forums that the value of reciprocal links is diminishing. I think it’s much more likely that the value of indiscriminate, link-to-anyone schemes is diminishing.
From what I hear, website owners who engage in careful link exchanging with closely related sites are still doing very well.
I think Phil’s new service looks really useful. However, it will be a success only if people spread the word.
So please tell your friends about it, because this system will work well only if lots of people use it.
Check out Phil’s new service here…
8. Thought for today: The extra mile
“The extra mile is the stretch of road that is never crowded.” – author unknown.
All the best
Allan Gardyne
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