It doesn’t matter what products or services you sell, if you cannot get people to your website you’re not going to make any money.
In this article I’m going to show you how to get traffic on Facebook each day from as little as $5 per day.
Why Facebook?
Facebook has more than two billion active users as of 2018.
Whether your target market is dentists, families, working professionals, athletes, retirees, college students, or any other demographic in between, they will be on Facebook.
You can create a Facebook page and ad account within an hour and have your ads running, and most importantly you can run ads from as little as $1 per day.
How to run ads on Facebook with micro budgets
A daily budget of $5 per day is around $150 per month. The strategy I’m going to show you works well for budgets up to $100 per day.
When working with smaller budgets you want to maximize your reach.
Targeting a first-world audience on Facebook is going to cost between $1-$3 dollars on average per click.
With a $5 daily budget, that’s 2-3 visitors per day – that’s not going to help.
However, if you run video ads on Facebook you’ll reach way more people because it’s as much as 10x cheaper to run video ads on Facebook than link clicks.
A user doesn’t need to leave Facebook when watching a video. They view
the video and keep scrolling through their news feed, making video ads on
Facebook very useful if you have a small budget.
You can often reach a thousand or more people per day for $5/day.
I’m sure you’ve seen Facebook ads like this on your news feed in the past:
They are simple videos taken from a smartphone with overlay text. They are minimal in cost and you can create them yourself for nothing with free video editing software.
If you’re unable to produce a video, then grab photos of your products and combine your static images into a video.
Facebook has its own free video creation kit that lets you turn images into videos if you’re stuck.
Here’s an example of a medium-sized business using static images as a video:
The strategy behind the $5 Facebook video plan
Any video ad you run on Facebook allows you to retarget audiences who watched:
- 3 seconds or more,
- 10 seconds or more,
- 25% or more,
- 50% or more,
- 75% or more, or
- 95% or more.
Create a video promoting your best product or service, and within the first three seconds of the video grab your audience’s attention (to ensure they keep on watching).
As your video isn’t high-end, it’s important you grab their attention right away or else they’ll keep on scrolling.
For example, if you’re offering email marketing services, start your
video with the following question:
Is your average email open rate over 40%?
Then in the rest of the video address pain points your prospect is facing and the solution your service provides.
Aim to keep the video no longer than 20 seconds. Facebook users don’t have the largest attention span.
Anybody who has watched 10 seconds or more of your video is interested in what you have to offer.
You can then retarget them using a Reach ad to your landing page to make a booking or to buy your product.
As a general rule of thumb, allocate 90% of your ad budget to the running of your video campaign to cold audiences.
Allocate the other 10% to retargeting anyone who watched 50% or more of your video in order to take action.
Your turn
Understanding how to buy traffic online is a major skill to have when running a successful business.
Facebook lets you run ads from as little as $1 per day, so even if you cannot afford to spend $5 per day, you can use this method with budgets from as little as $1 per day.
You may not find success in this method right away, but as you edit your audience targeting and messaging you should start seeing good results.